

We build collaborations that finance and accelerate radical change at a bioregional level. Together, we unite people in the places we call home and regenerate the lands and waters that give us life.
Our work is rooted in community, reciprocity, and the courage to build the future we hope to live in.

Local wisdom,
Lasting wealth

We focus on flowing capital to the local-led innovations that will enable watersheds across this bioregion to demonstrate what a more hopeful and thriving future could look like. Finance flows energy, and empowering local people to self-determine what it means to thrive will involve radically changing how capital flows to grassroots efforts.

Solutions rooted in place

CoLabs grows its impact through the formation of small, distributed collaborations (Labs). These Labs each have their specific approach to growing economic opportunities that regenerate the land and waters we all depend on and flowing finance to bioregions.

We work as a family of collaborators to cross pollinate ideas, relationships, and build collective momentum.  Each of our Labs contains a full spectrum of collaborators, offering a synergy of perspectives and the lived experiences of people rooted in place.

This bioregion connects us

Every location in the Salmon Nation bioregion is a part of a watershed that flows into the rivers that give us life and make this one of the most abundant places to live in the world. Follow the rivers, follow the salmon - they will show us the way home.

Salmon Nation is a bioregion defined by the traditional extent of wild Pacific salmon in North America - from the Salinas River in California to the North Slope of Alaska and from the ocean to the Rocky mountains. Salmon show us how we are connected to the land, the waters, and each other. 

After spending years in the open ocean - salmon make a great turn and journey back to the very streams and rivers they were born - nourishing and sustaining key ecosystems that support life in this region. From orcas to bears to trees - over 140+ species depend on salmon to thrive. We as humanity are trying to make that same turn - to come back home and remember forgotten ways of how to be in reciprocity with the land and each other. 

In this bioregion defined by salmon - indigenous people are reclaiming meaningful relationships to their lands and waters on their own terms, and playing an increasingly influential role in their territories’ cultural, economic, scientific and legal evolution. It is also where a symbiosis is emerging between old and new ways of living, of two-eyed seeing through both indigenous knowledge and western perspectives, of re-interpreting — through art, song, theater, new media, language, and unlikely collaborations in all manner of experiments at the watershed level — how we share wisdom and resources in ways that are more equitable, and ultimately richer and more meaningful for people and place.

Salmon Nation CoLabs is a part of a constellation of entities and people working with the Salmon Nation bioregional frame, including the Salmon Nation Trust a public benefit company whose purpose is to inspire, enable, and invest in regenerative development in our home and the Magic Canoe, a non profit dedicated to amplifying and uplifting stories of hope, connection, and ‘what works’ in Salmon Nation.

Why Salmon

Community-led innovation and systems tranformation

Our bioregional investment approach is grounded in systems thinking, emphasizing the importance of understanding system dynamics and local contexts to find effective paths to regeneration.

We carefully select leverage points where a small investment catalyzes broad systemic regeneration and cascading benefits – enabling communities to continually collaborate and innovate in many different forms together, into the long-term.

This means placing investments that develop mutual benefits, community structures, collaborative growth, and contribute to the vitality of the system as a whole.

Join us

The goal of regeneration is to renew and restore systems - to make them better, to enter into reciprocity and to give back more than is taken, and to protect and make resilient the ecosystems upon which communities, economies, and life depend on.

In flowing capital to support regeneration and the right for all life to thrive - we will shape new patterns of being in reciprocity with the people and places we call home.

Join us on this journey, we want to hear from you.

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